Photo Contests – Temple Adventures First Photo & Video Competitions

under water world exploration and scuba diving with temple adventures

Photo contests are a great way for people to showcase their beautiful creations. Which is why this year we have decided to hold our own competition! We are very excited to announce that this is Temple Adventures first ever photography and videography competition. And the prizes for these competitions are even more exciting!

photo contests
Photo of a lionfish taken by Donarun Das

Like most photo and video contests, we too have our own set of rules, categories, prizes etc. And we would like all our participants to follow through with our guidelines.
And so let us get into the specifics of the competition.


There will be two categories. One will be a Photography category and the other would be Videography. Participants can take part in both categories.


The theme for this year’s competition would be underwater and/or sea life. This is so that even non-divers can participate in our competition. As we also have prizes for non-divers.

How to take part?

•Post any photo or video on Instagram with regards to the theme; which is underwater or with regards to sea life.
• Tag @templeadventures and @dive.chennai in the photo and/or video that you have posted.
•Use the hashtag #DiveWithTempleAdventures.
•Be sure to make your Instagram account public for the competition so that we can see all your creative entries.
•Post multiple photos and videos as separate posts for a higher chance of winning.


•You can post any photograph or video, as long as it is underwater or is related to the oceans.
•No animal should be harmed or harassed. If found so, the entry will not be eligible for the competition.
•If posting a video/videos, then the footage must be a minimum of 15 seconds and a maximum of 30 seconds. Instagram Reels would be ideal.
•Multiple videos and photos can be posted as individual posts for a higher chance of winning.


•The winners will be announced on the 5th of June. There will be two winners. One from the photography category and one from the videography category.
•The selected winners will receive a FREE DIVE.
• Certified divers will win a day of fun dives in either Pondicherry or Chennai.
• Non-Divers will win the PADI Discover Scuba Diving Program. Where they can experience scuba diving for the very first time. The program can be done in Pondicherry or Chennai.
• Winners can choose where they would like to receive their award, in Pondicherry or Chennai. Both these places have excellent and diverse dive sites and so you know you are spoilt for choice.


The deadline for the competition of both categories is 4th June.

photo contests
Photo of a Chennai Quarry taken by Tanvi Gautama

So what are you waiting for? Head on to Instagram and start posting right away! We are super excited to see all your stunning photos and videos.
If you have any doubts regarding the competition feel free to send us a message via Instagram so that we can help you out!