Scuba Diving & Fitness: 3 Simple Things You Can Do To Stay Fit!


Any adventure sport requires you to be physically and mentally fit. The same goes for scuba diving! Even though it’s a recreational activity, scuba diving requires you to be mentally and physically fit. Diving as an activity has a big logistical side to it. Lifting tanks, moving them around, loading & unloading, pulling the anchor and then a dive or two post that can put significant stress on your body. To be able to sustain in the long term, it is vital to stay fit.

Let us tell you about three simple hacks to stay fit and healthy with an active lifestyle involving scuba diving.

1. Exercise

Take at least 4 days out in a week to work out. This does not mean go working out for two hours. Even 15 to 20 minutes worth of exercising on these four days will do the job. Exercising doesn’t necessarily mean lifting heavy weights, cardiovascular health is equally important! Spend 2 days in a week working on your muscular strength. Simple bodyweight exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, squats, planks, and lunges will do the magic. These exercises are enough to build a strong foundation! The other two days indulge in cardiovascular activities like running, swimming, football, or basketball. But also, remember any strenuous activity 24 hours before or after a dive may result in an increased chance of getting DCS as vigorous exercise leads to dehydration and muscle fatigue. So keep it light & simple, and plan your workouts accordingly.

2. Diet

A balanced diet daily will ensure you get through the day with booming energy. It should consist of a good ratio of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. A good start would be a 40:30:30 ratio of carbs, proteins, and fats of your total daily calorie intake. If in case you are aiming for those abs, then a 40:40:20 ratio will do better as more protein means more muscle. Rich protein sources are lean meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, beans, seeds & nuts, and soy products. In contrast, good sources of carbohydrates include brown rice, potatoes, chapatis, bread, legumes, grains, starchy vegetables etc. Fats are equally crucial for your brain & hormonal health. Good sources of fats include nuts, cheese, fatty fish, whole eggs and avocados.

3. Yoga & Meditation

Spending 15 minutes in the morning, stretching your body with some basic yoga poses will help you in recovery. Yoga poses like Mountain pose, cat pose, bridge pose, cobra pose, downward-facing dog pose can be an excellent start. Also, a 5-minute meditation session will calm down your mind providing you with the required boost for the day ahead!
We hope you enjoyed the blog! Remember, the three things mentioned above are like the 3 pillars, which will help you have a strong foundation towards staying fit and healthy in the longer run.

Until next time!

Beast, Tinku, Luna, Benji, And Lucy!