The Week That Was 3rd December to 9th December

scubapro gadgets

Holla Mermans and Mermaids!

My name is Lucy! I am sure you have seen me before on our social media handles and heard a lot about me being lazy! which I am not. I don’t know why people say that. I just love sleeping. There is a difference 😛

Last week at the temple was pretty hectic (I worked so hard 😉 )! So many open water and advanced open water courses happened! A lot of DSDs came in too. This makes me realize, the Indian diving industry is at a pretty nascent stage and now it’s starting to see a good amount of growth! I overheard instructors discussing that it’s the best of times right now in India to choose scuba diving as a career. Get to know more about going Pro HERE!

Even our Divemaster Trainees were up to something cool last week! You shall see what surprise they have for you’ll for Christmas. Just wait for it! 😀 So the week was actually pretty fun-filled.

Apart from Benji intruding on my bed! -_-

We have a pretty cool video lined up for Christmas. Keep following us to know what we did with a Santa and a sleigh at the quarry. Also, our DMTs had a photo shoot which actually turned out to be pretty decent.

Do you know what is a major attraction at temple reef? A whale shark. Whale sharks are spotted 7 to 8 times a year at temple reef. They migrate large distances moving from cold waters to warmer waters. Whale sharks are the largest fish in the world and are filter-feeding slow-moving sharks. They possess no threat to humans as they feed only on small fishes and plankton. They can grow up to a length of 40 feet and weigh around 20 tons. They are the most magnificent and gracious creatures on the planet you will ever witness.

Check this out! Made by one of our divemaster trainees in honor of these magnificent creatures 😀 Wonderful, isn’t it?

This is how my week at the temple was! It’s December now and we will be having a lot of happy divers coming in, so don’t forget to pre-book and secure a slot for yourself in case you plan to dive around the Bay of Bengal. Do you know there are more than 23 dive sites around Pondicherry? Each and every one of them is beautiful in its own way! Anyways, I am simply waiting for my turn to dive. Till then I will just take a small nap 😉

See you next week!

Until then cheers and have a good week ahead!

Tinku, Lucy, Beast, Benji, and Luna