The week that was – Exploration


This past week we dedicate it to exploration!!! Monday, started off with some nice long drift diving off Temple Reef with Jonah. We saw some really cool stuff again, and it has started to become all too common now ๐Ÿ˜› Tuesday and Wednesday, we had reserved for a Tec exploration at the Wall with Jonah and Julien leading the group. We even got out the Sonar!! Too bad that it just did not want to work, and we were back to the old school techniques of using weights and depth gauges. We do not even want to start on how we arrived at the coordinates in the first place ๐Ÿ˜›

The exploration was very successful as can be derived fromย Julien’s words, “At least we know that in this whole wide ocean, this place has absolutely nothing !!” ๐Ÿ˜› Wednesday, the conditions were not very great both in the ocean as well as for some ofย the divers and we had to postpone the exploration to a future date.

Friday we had some more drift dives, and we got to see a sting ray, an octopus and an entire sea bed full of sea urchins.

Saturday and Sunday was fully devoted to Neela and Klaus starting with the Tec 45 pool sessions, and finishing off the Tec40 exam. Sunday, Julien led the tec students for their final Tec 40 dive off the wall, and it was an absolutely amazing dive. We cannot wait to go back there for the Tec 45 dive next week. This current week is definitely dedicated to Tec Diving!!!

During all this, Akhil was racking up his OW certifications with Sanjay, Roshni, Nikita, Meghna, Maya and Deeptendu completing the PADI Open Water Course. It was great to have Tim sign off his first three certifications as well ๐Ÿ™‚

Tushita and Taarak completed their advanced Open Water Course as well. Cheers guys, now you get to join the wall boat party ๐Ÿ™‚ We had a couple of DSDs with us well over the week and had some awesome fun with them as well ๐Ÿ™‚ Stay tuned for more updates later this week!!