The week that was – 6th to the 13th!!


The week began with some deep diving at the Wall, which meant we brought home some very happy divers. Jean in particular, seemed rather impressed after his first deep dive. James also joined us for a couple of dives on Sidemount over the week. 

The air at the DC has been full of reef-building fervour this week, with plans being made, and materials being assembled at the harbour.

The team went out early morning on Wednesday, to ready the dive site, and strategically place all the material, which included an Omni, which Leon would have driven, had he found the keys 🙂

Four open water students took to the sea under Jonah’s instruction on Friday and made the best of the good conditions we’ve been having lately, while the last of the reef building was completed.

And to end the week on a high note, Sophie finally completed her divemaster course in a spectacular fashion, a good cause for much celebration.  


On a side note, with the recent demonetisation, Temple has moved into being entirely cashless with multiple online modes of transfer being set up as well as card machines for easy swiping!!