The Week that was – workshop, whale sharks and a wedding proposal


This week was awe-wait for it-awesome!!! We had so much fun; Correction, we are having so much fun that the the next week will have a tough time living up to it.

The highlight of this week was a close tie between the Scubapro Technicians Workshop by John Seddon, the tech head of Scubapro Asia Pacific, attended by divers from all across India and an amazing underwater proposal by one of our DSD friends. And a close third was the whale shark spotting – bleh! who ever cares about that guy 🙂

The Level 1 and Level 2 Workshop was an amazing success with a lot of our staff along with other instructors, scubapro dealers and friends, learning new skills and techniques to take better care of the already perfectly crafted Scubapro equipments. Now the question is, whether we will be seeing more people sending in their gear to get them serviced, or because of these new additions there will be less requirement to get them serviced. But, wait!! Of course that was a trick question 😛 Remember folks, always get your gear serviced once a year, even though you dive Scubapro 🙂

It was also amazing to help one of our DSD students organize and propose to his better half 6 m under the ocean. The ambient lighting was a bit green we agree, but hey it did hide their blushes 🙂 Do you think you had the coolest wedding proposal? Well, not anymore. The only thing that can beat this one, is if you are have a batman themed underwater proposal!! Can somebody please make sure that nobody steals our scubatman suit 😛

And in the midst of all these cool stuff happening, the elusive whale shark decided to give an appearance but sadly was not able to get enough air time 😛 A friendly advice to you- you need to show up more 😀 and also show up when somebody has a camera with them. Please. So while we wait for him to show up again, how about a video of 10 whale sharks together spotted on our last trip to the Philippines 🙂


So stay tuned everyone, as the upcoming week has even more promise, with the PADI IDC starting up (word is that this one is going to be the biggest one so far!!). And maybe a mid week Scubapro workshop special- any volunteers?