The week that was – shades of green


The ocean showed some signs of swaying against the awesome conditions for diving we have had so far. This sunday, the water was on a higher shade of green and the visibility dropped down to 5 metres. After being spoilt with the amazing viz over the last couple of weeks, 5 metres almost made us feel blind.

Even so, this did not deter our awesome divers and students to do the backroll into the lovely waters of the Indian Ocean ๐Ÿ™‚ Yashwant did his Scuba Diver course and Robinson, Monika, and Benedict did the PADI Open Water Course. We hope you come back to Pondy very soon and start diving regularly ๐Ÿ™‚ Jean-Michel, Ashwin, Alexandra and Soumyarshi notched up a level after completing the Advanced Open Water Course. Tim and Siegrist did the PADI Sidemount course and Rachel did the EANx course.

Lot of DSDs over this weekend as well, and a lot of promises from them about returning back to do a certificate programme ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope you guys remember that you get a 10% discount off the PADI Open Water Course within one month of your DSD experience ๐Ÿ™‚ And also cheers to the fun divers who were swimming around with us ๐Ÿ˜›