The week that was – 6th to 12th March 2017


The week that was 6th to 12th March 2017
Diving in the Deep
This awesome last week, started off with us giving a tour of our legendary deep site, The Wall to the team from Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI), 16 km off the shore. They were interested in the flora and fauna our waters hold, and a lot of sampling work was conducted, much to everyone’s satisfaction.

As the week progressed, the currents along The Wall began to gain momentum, so that the divers could spend the entirety of their bottom time drifting over The Wall. We were joined by a boat full of certified divers over the weekend who went exploring the different dive sites Pondy had to offer. The long Holi weekend also got in a lot of first time divers who were shown a completely different life under the ocean surface. Their happy smiles after the dives makes us proud of what we do.
Meanwhile our DMT and resident marine biologist Mahima, finished off her DM course (in terms of the skills and training) but her research and pet projects still lie in the ocean floor with constant monitoring being done by members of our staff.

Until next week, folks…
Cheers 🙂
Tinku and Lucy!!