What A Festive Week That Was 5th to 11th November


“We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch – we are going back from whence we came.” – John F Kennedy

The saying is so true! When you are down there, you simply feel more alive!

The week started with some good festive vibes. Festivals mean more people and more diving. We spent the first evening of the week decorating our dive center. With Diwali at bay, we were expecting a lot of divers turning in but we were simply overwhelmed by the kind of response we had, from what we expected. It simply feels good to watch people experience scuba diving for the first time and even better when it brings a smile on their face.

This is how we got Diwali ready!

During the week there were also some new friendships and new bonds!

We had so many open water as well as advanced open water students during the week. More than 20 open water divers got certified and 8 of them got their advanced open water certification. One of them also took it to the next level by getting Enriched Air Nitrox certified! Nitrox is air with a higher percentage of oxygen! You can read more about Nitrox

Our instructors got so busy conducting pool sessions this week.

The newly certified divers were so mesmerized with our reefs, equally, we were happy to see new people getting introduced to the world of scuba diving and discovering new calmness.

This is how the visibility for the last week looked like!

Until next time boys and girls!


Tinku, Lucy, Benji, Beast, and Luna <3