The Week That Was 12th To 18th November


The first day of the week and we had a lot of DSDs and advanced open water students with us. Three boats were headed to the ocean with some halting at temple reef and some headed to the deep sites.

Whereas, on the other side, the team at the dive center prepared for the foreseen cyclone Gaja. From securing the dive centers premises to pulling our boats off the waters to the harbor, we took every precautionary measure to avoid any damage which could have been caused by the expected cyclonic storm. All the ocean dives were brought to a halt for a couple of days but that did not stop us from diving as we decided to explore the quarry instead. 

Some of the snaps of our boys securing our boats Batman, James Bond, and TA1.

Not all that was bad, on 13th of November our years 2nd Instructor Development Course (IDC) batch kicked off, with our very own and experienced course director Mark from Australia and four IDC candidates coming from Uttarakhand and Andamans.

The first day was all about orientation, getting familiar with each other, discussing the IDC schedule, and welcoming everyone. The week was full of pool sessions, skill practicing, lectures, quizzes, barbeque nights and fun! When IDC is around it’s always an amazing vibe going on in the dive center, to witness instructors to be, getting groomed by one of the best faculty and course director is always fun. Even our dive masters got the opportunity to experience as well as attend the IDC classes to understand and gain some insight into how IDC actually functions! Experiences like these are priceless.

After all, they are the future instructors and we at temple believe everyone working or interning with us should get the best of the experience and learning. 

Not just the IDC candidates, but even our divemaster trainees had some sessions held for them for their learning this week. They learned more about sales and the equipment from our very own Mr. Akhil Jude from proscuba. The lecture gave them good insight into the latest equipment trends and industry standards.

Akhil educating the DMTs about the latest BCDs and Masks. 

This is how our week went by at temple. Oh Yes!

Newest swimmer in the hood! You shall see her diving soon 😉

Hope you guys had a good week too!

Until next time,
