The Scubapro Love Affair

White, half sleeve t-shirt for the scuba diver, temple adventures
If you have dived with us at least once, you would know how much we love diving in Scubapro gear. From our Seawing nova fins to help us glide in the water to the Solo masks which help us see even the tiniest spots on that elusive whaleshark, so gloriously brightened by a Nova torch. Then there is the Termal Tec wetsuit to keep us warm during the extended underwater dives, when are diving Sidemount with the XTek Sidemount harness, while saving the turtles from the horrors of modern day fishing with our Mako knife. Not to mention the reel and the bright orange SMB we had floated up during the awesome drift dive at the great Aravind’s Wall. Oh did we forget to mention we would never breathe from anything else other than a Mk21/25 and a S560/S600 regulator. Period.
This might seem to be a bit far fetched and borderline obsession, but that is not going to sway us. When you are underwater, your survival depends on your training and even more on the gear you use. We are all trained to handle emergency situations when something or the other fails, but lets face it – no matter how much training you do, you can never replicate a real world emergency. So you need to be doubly or triply , if you need to put a factor on it, sure of the gear you use.
You can get cheap gear and pray before every dive that the zip tie you just used to hold that buckle does not give away or something like the other. And also the slight discomfort you have with your gear, that you have trained yourself over the years to ignore can come to play a big role during an emergency. That’s the best part we like with Scubapro gear. The amount of effort and R&D they have put in the last 50 years improving their gear has brought out some of the best and the most dependable equipment in the dive industry.
Yes, they are a bit expensive but that price is not even comparable to the added safety it brings to every dive. As Scubapro says and we profess as well, “deep down you want the best”.
P.S. India’s first ever female Sidemount Instructor loves diving in Scubapro gear as well. Need we say more?